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Today my mom and I drove all the way to St. Louis.

That’s right. From Texas to Missouri – a 13.5 hour drive. In one day.

We left at 6:00 a.m. and drove with very few stops.

Nothing exciting really happened, I mean I slept the majority of the time BUT I did drive for almost 4 hours before switching because my lower back and neck hurt.

From my time being awake, here’s what I can tell you about the long drive:

1. There were a lot of cops out. Like where did they come from? Really? We were driving in the middle of nowhere.

2. I saw my first crop burning thing – woohoo controlled fires!

3. I really was hoping to see some deer as we got closer to MO, and I did, except it was on the side of the road, dead, and drying up.

4. There were a lot of dead raccoons. From my time driving, we probably passed about ten to a dozen.

5. Apparently armadillos are popular in MO? My mom said that we passed by a lot of dead ones on the side of the road. This lead me to think – If there were that many armadillos in MO and I rarely see them in TX, is it really our state animal??? Haha

6. I knew we were getting further north when the land started to not be flat anymore.

7. Arkansas and Missouri are so beautiful with the rolling hills and trees and such. Google it, you’ll probably see some of what I’m talking about.

8. Taking all of my college stuff out of the car once we got to our Airbnb place was way harder than I thought originally because the house is on a hill so everything was at a slope. Plus side – I got a workout!

So that’s the road trip for you. Not very eventful, but I did catch up on a lot of sleep.

We’ll see how NSO and Move – In Day goes. Until next time!

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